Full of history and small town charm, Goliad has many historical and natural attractions to appeal to even the most discerning visitor.

Goliad State Park
The Goliad State Park complex is located on the San Antonio River and contains a refurnished, restoration of the Spanish Colonial era Mission of Nuestra Senora del Espiritu Santo de Zuniga, restored in the 1930’s by the CCC. The park is a place for activities that include camping, picnicking, hiking, fishing, nature and historical studies. The park offers a floating dock and river access for kayaks and canoes.
108 Park Road 6
Goliad, TX 77963
(361) 645-3405
Fannin Battleground State Historic Sites
On March 20, 1836, Col. James W. Fannin surrendered to Mexican forces at the Battle of Coleto Creek. Mexican Gen. Santa Anna then ordered Fannin and 342 of his men executed in nearby Goliad, against the wishes of other Mexican commanders. The surrender and execution inflamed the Texas cause, spurring the battle cry “Remember Goliad”. This site memorializes the soldiers who fought on this field. Walk the grounds and view the stone obelisk that honors the spot where Fannin surrendered.
734 FM 2506
Fannin, TX 77960
(512) 463-7948

El Camino Real de los
Tejas Trail
This trail covering the United States’ section of the El Camino Real, a thoroughfare from the 18th century Spanish colonial era in Spanish Texas, was instrumental in the development and history of Texas. The trail has been mapped from Louisiana through Texas to Mexico with part of the trail in Goliad County. Some roads in the state follow the El Camino Real for great distances showing where men, products, supplies and armies crossed this land.
Mission Nuestra Señora
del Rosario
Just down the road from the main park headquarters office, visitors can also tour the ruins of the 1750's Mission Rosario State. Travel South on US 59 4 miles south of Goliad to see the ruins of Goliad State Park’s Mission Rosario State Historic Site, circa 1750’s. TPWD operates this site that is located at latitude 28.644374, longitude -97.438888
Address: 1958-5802, US-59, Goliad, TX 77963
(361) 645-3405

Zaragoza Birthplace State Historic Site
The birthplace of Ignacio Zaragoza is located adjacent to the Presidio la Bahia operated by Goliad State Park. An amphitheater and bronze statue of Zaragoza are also on the grounds. On May 5, 1862 in the Spanish colonial city of Puebla, General Zaragoza and his soldiers overpowered French expedition forces in the Battle of Puebla. Today the victory is celebrated in both Mexico and the U. S. and is commonly known as “Cinco de Mayo”.
TPWD operates this site that is located at latitude 28.647329, longitude -97.383136.
217 LOOP 71
Goliad, TX 77963
(361) 645-3405
Video is not owned by Visit Goliad or Texas Parks and Wildlife.
Angel of Goliad Hike & Bike Trail
Goliad’s hike and bike trail takes people from an entrance two blocks away from the historic courthouse square and allows them to see native plants, trees and fauna as they proceed following the San Antonio River before ending at the Goliad State Park and Historic Site. The trail is a paved walkway with some wooden bridge structure that is maintained by the Goliad County, the City of Goliad and the Goliad State Park staff.

Coleto Creek Park & Reservior
The Coleto Creek Park and Reservoir is an outdoor recreation area offering a variety of family-friendly opportunities. The 190 acre park offers camping with 76 multi-use campsites, camping cabins, group pavilions, a large picnic area, 200’ lighted fishing pier, 1 mile nature trail, and playgrounds. The 3,100 acre reservoir offers year-round opportunities for fishing, boating, swimming, kayaking, and other water activities.
365 Coleto Park Road
Victoria, 77905
(361) 575-6366
Goliad Paddling Trail
The Goliad Paddling Trail is a 6 mile developed trail on the San Antonio River running through Goliad. The Trail is managed by a partnership between Canoe trail Goliad, San Antonio River Authority, and Goliad State Park & Historic Site. The Trail currently has three developed landing sites for ease of river put in and take out. A unique trail that goes past quite ranch-lands so paddlers often see wildlife, and very family friendly as the river is very easy to navigate no matter the paddlers level of experience.
Landing sites located at Hwy 59 Bridge crossing of San Antonio River, end of Ferry Street at SARA, and in Goliad State Park.
(361) 542-0374

Presidio la Bahia
Established at its present location in 1749, Presidio La Bahia is the only fully restored Spanish presidio West of the Mississippi River. Presidio La Bahia served as a key military post for nearly a century and is best known for the role it played in the Texian War for Independence that ended tragically with the death of Col. Fannin and his command of over 300 men. Today the Presidio has been faithfully restored to its 1836 appearance and both it and Our Lady of Loreto chapel are open for visitation year round.
217 LOOP 71
Goliad, Texas 77963
(361) 645-3752
Goliad County Library
The Library building was built in 1894 as a three section building on the west side of the Courthouse Square. The building housed various commercial ventures through the years including the Pettus & Denys Department Store, Martin Mercantile, Appleby’s Grocery Store and even a bowling alley at one time. In the late 1900’s there was a push to restore the buildings and a community effort grew that completely restored the three buildings including their facade that was close to falling into the street! The Goliad County Library houses the J. A. White Family Trust for the Center for Texas History. This center holds a wealth of information from 1880’s newspapers to current literature and is open for researchers on the region’s families and history.
320 S. Commercial St
Goliad, TX 77963
(361) 645-2291

Goliad County Courthouse
The Goliad Courthouse was completed in 1894 at the cost of $67,888.00.
It was designed by Henri E. M. Guindon and is made from some of the limestone and brick salvaged from the fire that ravaged the 1870 Courthouse. Stories from Goliad citizens tell that part of the stones were hauled from Austin by ox cart. The Goliad Courthouse was the fourth courthouse built since the counties were created in 1836. It was used as a hospital after the 1902 cyclone that devastated the community. It also suffered the loss of its towers in the hurricane of 1942. In 2003, with funding from the State of Texas, the Goliad County Courthouse was restored and is worth a visit to see the main courtroom, concrete flooring and arched ceilings.
127 N. Courthouse Square
Goliad, TX 77963
(361) 645-3294
Goliad Historic Downtown District
The historic district around and including the Courthouse was designated in the National Register in 1976 and updated in 2015. The district is located in the south-central portion of the town site. Over forty buildings are in the nine block historic district with many built between 1890 and 1910. It is interesting to note that the right of way of three streets in this district are interrupted by the presence of great Live Oak trees that were kept in the streets. Stories were that the ladies of Goliad refused to allow the trees to be cut down when the streets were being paved and even chained themselves to those trees to prevent anyone cutting them. For more information visit www.downtowntx.org
Video Credit Bar Mc Media

Historic Downtown Walking Tour
During the updating of the Historic District application to the National Register in 2014-2015, Mrs. Patsy Light documented the buildings that make up this area of Goliad. Visitors can obtain a walking map of the Historic District that highlights the architecture of buildings that make the Courthouse Square such a visual delight. The maps may be obtained from many sources such as the Market House Museum, the City Hall and other businesses located on the square.
Schroeder Dance Hall
The second oldest dance hall in Texas. Since 1890, the venue has hosted generations of Texans who have enjoyed great music, delicious food, friendly people and the area’s most amazing dance floor. Many music legends have played at Schroeder Dance Hall over the years – you just never know who’s going to take the stage!
12516 FM 622
Goliad, TX 77963
(361) 573-7002

Market House Museum
The Museum is dedicated to preserving and presenting the history of Goliad. The Museum contains exhibits and information on topics including Native Americans, Ranching History, Family History of Early Settlers, Goliad County Communities, Militaria, Farming Equipment and Firehouse Artifacts. A collection of historic maps, an antique static electricity generator and a nineteenth-century broom factory are highlights of the Museum.
205 S. Market St
Goliad, TX 77963
(361) 645-8767
Hours of Operation:
OPEN Tuesday - Friday 10 am - 3 pm
CLOSED Saturday*, Sunday, Monday
*Saturday - they are open on Market Days Saturdays, the 2nd Saturday of each month.
Berclair Mansion
22-room mansion with all original furnishings. Some antiques dating back to 1600's. Tours of the Berclair Mansion are being conducted The Mansion is only open on the last Sunday of each month...except for the last two Sundays in November and every Sunday in December. The first tour begins at 1:00 pm and the second begins at 2:30 pm.
Admission is $10/person for all ages
14 Moore St.
Berclair, TX 78107
(361) 318-8587

San Antonio River
At Goliad, on the edge of the Gulf Coast prairies, the San Antonio River has cut a deep channel into the sandy, oak-covered plain. Plants and animals thrive in the mild South Texas climate, and the lush woodlands along the river support a large variety of birdlife, including the herons, hawks, and kingfishers that are a common sight on most of our waterways.
Oak Hill Cemetery
Over 1,000 graves with Civil War burials, cholera burials, leaders of the Republic of Texas. The earliest headstone in this community burial ground marks the grave of Ann Elizabeth Hunter, who died in 1843. A city ordinance designated the site as Oak Hill Cemetery on January 10, 1854. Located in the part of Goliad called "College Hill", the cemetery contains almost 1,000 known graves. The city maintained the site until 1882, when the Oak Hill Cemetery Association was formed. No new lots have been available for sale since the early 1900s. Many prominent citizens of early Texas are buried in Oak Hill Cemetery.
123 W Oak St
Goliad, TX 77963
60 Historical Markers
Named for Father Miguel Hidalgo, which is an anagram minus the H. County seat is Goliad. It is of course known for the Goliad massacre, Texas Revolutionary battle cry "Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!". It is an old area of Texas with a rich history which includes Spanish missions, memorials, and monuments to dedicated fallen Texas heroes.